Instacart Heuristic

Enhancing Instacart’s Shopping Experience


BrainStation Bootcamp


Jun 20 - Sep 7


3 UX Designers


Figma, Illustrator

Project Overview


Instacart boasts a 4.9-star rating and a mission to simplify online grocery shopping. Our team embarked on enhancing the check-out process, addressing common user frustrations and heuristic violations.

Role & Responsibilities

We divided the heuristic evaluation into distinct roles: Usability Expert, UX Researcher, and Designer. Each member assessed specific aspects to identify issues and recommend improvements.

Getting Started

Before starting the evaluation, our team conducted thorough research, including an analysis of existing user testimonials. We wanted a comprehensive understanding of Instacart's platform and its specific target user base.


To understand our audience better, we created a proto-persona: Meet Rachel, a 23-year-old who wants a quick and stress-free grocery shopping experience. 61% of Instacart’s users are female, between ages 23 - 44 years old.


Instacart Goals

Prior to our evaluation, we researched Instacart's mission and goals to better understand the product and its value. We chose to study the process of ordering two items from Wegman’s.

Instacart's Mission

Make online grocery shopping easy and connect users with personal shoppers

Instacart's Goals

  1. Provide Convenience
  2. Efficiency
  3. Wide Selection,
  4. Personalization
  5. Establish Partnerships

High Level Task Flow


Heuristic Issues

We each conducted heuristic evaluations, took notes, regrouped, and discussed our findings. We identified five violations out of the ten rules.

  1. ✅ Visibility of System Status
  2. Match between system and the real world
  3. User control and freedom
  4. Consistency and standards
  5. ✅ Error prevention
  6. ✅ Recognition rather than recall
  7. Flexibility and efficiency of use
  8. Aesthetic and minimalist design
  9. ✅ Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
  10. ✅ Help and documentation

Ranking Usability Issues

Next, we discussed, rated and assessed issue severity on a 0-4 scale.

Design Prioritization Matrix

We designed a prioritization matrix to systematically address and allocate resources to the most impactful issues. It’s best to always start with the lowest hanging fruit!

Iterations and Solutions

Next, we divided tasks, collaborated on solutions, and started prototyping. Check out the before-and-after screens that showcase the design improvements!

Violation 1: Homescreen

A layout redesign to address home screen overcrowding and improve the visibility of the 'view cart' button.

Violation 2: Aisle Screen

Rename the aisle section or add copy to clarify its purpose to the user.

Violation 3: Store Screen

Add a filter and divide the content into a menu of categories

Violation 4: Cart Screen

Incorporate a swipe-to-delete feature and fine-tune text styles for improved readability, aligning with user mental models.

Violation 5: Checkout Screen

Rename the aisle section or add copy to clarify its purpose to the user.


Heuristic Evaluation Importance

Numerous issues may go unnoticed, underscoring the importance of user testing to pinpoint potential hurdles or delays in the task flow.

Not all information is necessary for the user to have

Unnecessary information can clutter and confuse, leading to cognitive overload for the user. Mastering UX writing is crucial for clear, concise communication.

Next Steps

Conduct Usability Tests

Conduct usability testing with target users to validate the proposed changes. This step ensures that the improvements align with user needs and expectations.

Iterations Based on Feedback

Based on the usability test results, refine the design and make any necessary adjustments. Iterate on the design until it meets the desired user experience goals.


Collaborate with developers to implement the approved design changes. Ensure that the development team understands the changes and can execute them effectively.